About Us

The "Kaiso Japan" is a collection of the finest products from Magnus, a company with 40 years of successful and fruitful history, formulated to be unparalleled in the dietary supplement industry.

"Kaiso" in Japanese, has the meaning of "reviving energy". We are uncompromising on the quality of our raw materials and manufacturing processes utilizing only the best to create the "Kaiso Collection". Beyond maintaining good health, our motto is to deliver the best for those seeking true health.


Magnus was founded in 1978 with the desire to help support people's health and happiness based on a comprehensive natural approach.

Starting with a Wellness Diary, we now distribute our Magnus' Health calendar free of charge every year. Instead of just selling health foods, our aim is to support each person's health knowledge and how to apply the principles of a healthy lifestyle for a better and happier future.

❬History of Kaiso❭

Kaiso was first launched in 1985 consisting of 2 bottles. One called "Kai" filled with plant-based ingredients, and "So" filled with animal-based ingredients. The reason for dividing it into two bottles was that "Kai" was directed to support the immune system and "So" to support energy and stamina.

In 1986 "Super Kaiso" was created adding new raw materials to "Kai" and "So". It became very popular as an epoch-making and unique high end health food.

In 2005: "Kaiso", which was divided into two containers was turned into granule form in individual packets which made it easier and more convenient for digestion.

2018: Answering to the many requests for the return of tablet form, Kaiso's formulation was reviewed and improved with unique ingredients.

2022: Kaiso Collection was created to match the needs of modern times, combining Kaiso with different ingredients targeted to fulfill different needs and was launched in the new KaisoJapan.com website.